山形座 瀧波の山遊び「雲海」 / Mountain play with YAMAGATA the TAKINAMI “sea of cloud”






Sometimes covered by milky deep fog up in a morning in autumn in Nanyo city.

The “sea of cloud” weather for which more early morning when the fine weather was piled is ideal!

When the outside world is despised from a high place and a flight, cloud is spread like a sea and is seen.

This fantastic view started to be called a sea of cloud from the state out of which the mountains is taking a head just like an island.

Night when the temperature fell big by radioactive cooling and the cold water vapor which collected on the bottom in okitama basin (okitama Bonchi) change into a grain of water, and a great deal of cloud is produced.

There are no cases that a sea of cloud shows the same aspect again, and its rare is also popular.


山形座 瀧波では、毎朝、宿泊のお客様を対象に山形座 瀧波の山遊びとして「雲海ツアー」にご案内しています。

ハンググライダー や パラグライダーのメッカとして知られ、南に面した標高500mの十分一山と、北西と南東に面した標高700mの高ツムジ山の2ヶ所からフライトが可能なこの施設は、絶好の雲海スポットです。


The morning which had complete set of the condition is to Nanyo sky park.

We are guiding a customer of a stay to “sea of cloud tour” as mountain play in every morning.

Even if you can’t see a sea of cloud, it’s possible to view for Zao, Azuma, Iide and Asahi mountains in Japan one hundred famous mountain!

A flight is possible from the southern altitude 500m of JYUBU ICHIYAMA and northwest and southeast altitude 700m of TAKA TSUMUJI are learned about as mecca of a hang glider and a paraglider, and are an ideal sea of cloud spot.

A mountain path in the fog, fog will be steps thin, and we begin to see a mountain range around.

Nanyo city from the top is snow-white, and the scenery covered up is highlights.


6:30 ロビー集合・出発
6:40 現地到着・コーヒータイム
8:00 帰館



Reservation needed /participation is free of charge.

Please make a reservation with front staff at the check in.

6:30 departure

6:40  arrive at the destination ・ coffee time

8:00 return

*tour departs with little rain

*please bring the warm jackets

*we will rent a rain boots ( the number is limited)

About 5 minutes by car from YAMAGATA the TAKINAMI



The Okitama basin where the grand scenery is charm

Please experience this beauty!

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